Thursday, October 15, 2009

Water, water everywhere...

The more I think about it, the more I realize just how appropriate it is that the scales of justice have come to represent law. Because, if anything is about the endless search for balance, it's law school.
This is not only true for the law student, seeking a life that is both intellectually fruitful and socially vibrant -- but within the curriculum as well.
I am finding this to be particularly true within the study of Civil Procedure. Many of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure concern themselves with balancing justice and judicial efficiency. How can we make a plaintiff whole without overburdening the court system and the taxpayers who subsidize it? Will joinder of parties increase or decrease the chance that an additional law suit will eventually be filed? These questions are relatively benign, but indicative of a greater trend. Our justice system is less of a "justice" system and more of a "let's try to prevent injustice in the cheapest way possible" system. And, maybe that is the best thing that it could possibly be. Maybe the world would end up more unjust if the justice system failed to take economics into account. The writers of the Federal Rules tried to create guidelines that would foster the proper balance. Were they successful? The verdict is still out.
As for law students, I can only say that this particular law student is finding the balancing act a tough one to manage- despite having mastered Warrior Three at Columbia Law's Yoga Club meeting on Monday. Tonight, I found myself feeling guilty for not reading while eating my dinner. Have I been reduced to someone who doesn't even have time to eat? It seems that I have. This is uncharted territory for me and it is too soon to tell what kind of response I will have to the altitude. I'm loving the classes and I'm (mostly) caught up on my reading. But, I really do not have much time for anything unrelated to the study of law. The scales of justice are leaning pretty heavily one way. Maybe the weekend will help balance things out a bit...
If anyone out there has thoughts or ruminations on how to maintain balance, please join the conversation.
Contractually yours, Y

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